Urdu Seekhiye

E25_had se ziyada | apnā/ī/e

Episode Summary

Be sure to visit the page for episode 25 to download the PDF for this short episode on the words had (limit) and the possessive adjective apnā/ī/e (one's own). If you are enjoying the podcast, please consider leaving US a review on iTunes. It'll greatly help spread the word. Thank you so much for listening and subscribing!

Episode Notes

In this short episode, Shireen explains how to use the word had (limit) and the possessive adjective apnā/ī/e (one's own). 

Watch this clip to hear the sentence - mazāq kī bhī had hotī hai: https://streamable.com/feuqq7

Be sure to let US know if you have any questions on the episode's page: Here. If you are enjoying the podcast, please consider leaving US a review on iTunes HERE. It'll greatly help spread the word. Thank you so much for listening and subscribing!

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